crust n. 1.面包皮 (opp. crumb);干面包片;生活口粮,糊口之资。 2.外皮,壳;〔美国〕雪壳;【地质学;地理学】地壳;【动物;动物学】甲壳;【医学】痂;(酒等的)浮渣;水垢。 3.(事物的)皮相,外表,表面。 4.〔美俚〕老面皮,厚颜无耻,没礼貌;(人的)脑壳。 crust movement 地壳移动。 earn one's crust 挣钱糊口。 have a crust 〔美俚〕脸皮太厚;太大胆,太鲁莽,太冒失。 the upper crust 〔古、俚〕上层社会。 vt.,vi. 用外皮覆盖;结成硬皮;生痂儿。 The snow has crusted over. 雪在地上结成冰壳。
upper adj. 1.(更)上面的,上方的,上部的;较高的;上级的;(议会)上院的;(衣服)穿在外面的。 2.上流的;高原地带的;内地的。 3.【地质学;地理学】地表层的;〔常 U-〕后期的。 the upper seats [circle] (戏院的)楼座,花楼。 the upper lip 上唇。 get [have] the upper hand of 胜过,占上风[优势]。 n. 1.〔常 pl.〕鞋面皮,鞋帮;〔pl.〕布绑腿;〔口语〕(车船卧铺的)上铺。 2.〔美俚〕兴奋剂,刺激性药物〔尤指安非他命〕。 (down) on one's uppers 鞋底完全磨平;非常贫穷。
Depths of these hypocenters concentrate at about 12km deep in the upper crust . 这些震源深度集中在地壳上部约12公里处。
The deformations at the surface of the crust after rainfalls have close relations to the occurrence of shallow shocks in the upper crust . 雨后地壳表面的形变与地壳上部发生的浅源地震密切相关。
The season was always an exclusive thing to which only the “ upper crust ” was admitted 最初,英格兰夏日排他性很强,只有贵族阶层才可以参加。
( 3 ) the mineral source was provided by both lower crust , upper mantle and upper crust , obviously from crust - mantle mixing ( 3 )矿田中的成矿物质的不仅来自于下地壳和上地幔,而且还来自于上地壳,具有壳幔混合特征。
The ree composition of q43 sediment is similar to that of chinese upper crust , and it is obviously that it was derived from china Q43柱样两个粒级沉积物的稀土元素组成显示了与中国陆源物质的相似性,表明它主要来源于中国大陆。
The round columnar joints show that the dyke swarms are in upper crust brittle tectonic setting , and the western shandong block is brittle extensional in the mesoproterozoic time 岩墙发育圆柱状节理表明岩墙侵位时地块已经处于上地壳脆性构造环境,中元古代鲁西地区是一个脆性伸展的大地构造环境。
These studies , therefore , suggest that the songsugou peridotite is not a tectonic massif of the upper mantle but a ultramafic magmatic rock body crystallized in deep crust and tectonically emplaced in the upper crust 从而证明了松树沟橄榄岩体并不是上地幔岩石的残片,而是由岩浆在深部地壳环境下结晶而成并以固态构造侵位于地壳的上部。
And they show that chinese upper crust has a stable ree composition , and those different grain - size sediment samples which are from different site , and deposited in different periods do not establish any remarkable difference 它们的配分曲线高度相似,表明了组成上的一致。在与黄土等物质进行对比时,发现它们除了含量上有差异外,在配分曲线形态上是一致的。
The characters of velocity ' s distribution within the mid - layer of the middle crust resemble that of the upper crust ' s bottom layer , and the velocity strongly disturbed . the prominent higher velocity anomalies exist below the linbi uplift and the hu - su uplift within this layer 中地壳的中间层速度分的基本特征类似上地壳底部,横向均匀性显著;中地壳下部速横向不均匀性明显,在灵壁隆起和湖苏隆起的下部有显著的高速异常。
Geophysicists had already cognizance of that the pervasive velocity anisotropy with varying degree in the mantle or the sedimentary rock of upper crust is an important physical property . almost all existed research works fasten on those transversely isotropic media with vertical or horizontal axis of symmetry ( ti ) . , 地球物理学者已认识到从地幔到地壳上部的沉积岩存在着不同程度的各向异性,且对具有垂直或水平对称轴的横向各向同性介质( ti )有很多的研究。
the class occupying the highest position in the social hierarchy 同义词:upper class,
upper crustとは意味:《the ~》上流階級{じょうりゅう かいきゅう}、貴族階級{きぞく かいきゅう} We only mix with the upper crust when we are asked to clean their houses. 私たちが上流階級の人間と接触するのは、彼らの部屋を掃除するように言われたときぐらいだ。