
upper crust中文是什么意思

  • 〔美俚〕上层阶级;头,脑袋。



  • 例句与用法
  • Depths of these hypocenters concentrate at about 12km deep in the upper crust .
  • The deformations at the surface of the crust after rainfalls have close relations to the occurrence of shallow shocks in the upper crust .
  • The season was always an exclusive thing to which only the “ upper crust ” was admitted
  • ( 3 ) the mineral source was provided by both lower crust , upper mantle and upper crust , obviously from crust - mantle mixing
    ( 3 )矿田中的成矿物质的不仅来自于下地壳和上地幔,而且还来自于上地壳,具有壳幔混合特征。
  • The ree composition of q43 sediment is similar to that of chinese upper crust , and it is obviously that it was derived from china
  • The round columnar joints show that the dyke swarms are in upper crust brittle tectonic setting , and the western shandong block is brittle extensional in the mesoproterozoic time
  • These studies , therefore , suggest that the songsugou peridotite is not a tectonic massif of the upper mantle but a ultramafic magmatic rock body crystallized in deep crust and tectonically emplaced in the upper crust
  • And they show that chinese upper crust has a stable ree composition , and those different grain - size sediment samples which are from different site , and deposited in different periods do not establish any remarkable difference
  • The characters of velocity ' s distribution within the mid - layer of the middle crust resemble that of the upper crust ' s bottom layer , and the velocity strongly disturbed . the prominent higher velocity anomalies exist below the linbi uplift and the hu - su uplift within this layer
  • Geophysicists had already cognizance of that the pervasive velocity anisotropy with varying degree in the mantle or the sedimentary rock of upper crust is an important physical property . almost all existed research works fasten on those transversely isotropic media with vertical or horizontal axis of symmetry ( ti ) . ,
    地球物理学者已认识到从地幔到地壳上部的沉积岩存在着不同程度的各向异性,且对具有垂直或水平对称轴的横向各向同性介质( ti )有很多的研究。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 英文解释
  • the class occupying the highest position in the social hierarchy
    同义词:upper class,

  • 其他语种释义
  • upper crustとは意味:《the ~》上流階級{じょうりゅう かいきゅう}、貴族階級{きぞく かいきゅう} We only mix with the upper crust when we are asked to clean their houses. 私たちが上流階級の人間と接触するのは、彼らの部屋を掃除するように言われたときぐらいだ。
  • 推荐英语阅读
upper crust的中文翻译,upper crust是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译upper crust,upper crust的中文意思,upper crust的中文upper crust in Chineseupper crust的中文upper crust怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
